I saw the trailer for this movie couple months ago and thought to myself that I had to see this movie. Months have now gone by and today I see the commercial On Demand. My immediate thought was $4.99? OH HELL YEAA!!!! I was expecting it not to be so cheesy but of course any romantic comedy that somehow connects all the characters like "News Years Eve" and "Valentine's Day" has to be cheesy!! An outright amazing cast including, Cameron Diaz, Chris Rock, and Jennifer Lopez, minus whoever the hell Ben Falcone is, I know your Melissa McCarthy's husband and all but your wife is daa shit, we all saw her in Bridesmaids, but not only that, she was awesome even in her beginning days in Samantha Who. You however Mr. cannot pass as Elizabeth Banks husband, in my opinion they should've casted someone better known and with a better personality. This Falcone fellow also did a terrible job being "pissed off" at his dad (Dennis Quaid) for competing in everything... pretty sure this was the plot for Kicking and Screaming where Robert Duvall and the one and only Will Ferrell did a freaking amazing job. Elizabeth Banks is an awesome actress, she was hysterical, loved her! Hottie tottie Chace Crawford was looking hotter than his usual Gossip Girl persona but his character was absolutely useless since SPOILER ALERT he wasn't expecting -___- but I definitely don't mind him being eye candy in the movie!!! Another useless character was True Blood hottie Joe Manganiello, but by all means if you need hot men to fill up your movie time, I will gladly watch! It had numerous comedic parts which I enjoyed but the cheesiness outweighed the comedy. 3 out of 5 stars for this bad boy!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
I was never a fan of action movies till I saw this one... and Colombiana isn't a very known movie compared to movies such as Mission Impossible 4 but the fact that it swayed my movie genre preferences means that this movie was EPIC!!! I started watching it so I could kill time in between classes but as the movie progressed, my determination to go to class digressed, so sad I had to miss class that day :/ I've never watched a Zoe Saldana movie before, but I really enjoyed her acting; she is quite gifted and she's super hot too [no homo]. She was the only notable one in the film, but the rest of the cast was decent. I would totally watch that movie again if I had to, I was interested the entire time and a movie that doesn't bore me is a winner!! I especially liked about the first hour, thats what really had me saying, "It's only 50 minutes, I don't need to go to class, i'll probably just go on amazon anyway" -________- BUT IT WAS SOOOOOO WORTH IT because the rest of the movie was awesome too!!!! This movie is leading me down an action movie spiral and I'm freaking loving the ride!!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Batman Blew my Mind!
I walked into Batman not expecting much because 1)I had just walked out of Magic Mike and obviously hot strippers were going to be on my mind for the rest of the night and 2)it is a 2 hour 50 minute film. The movie started off introducing Cat Woman played by Anne Hathaway who I think is just a phenomenal actress but I could just be biased since Princess Diaries is probably one of my favorite movies. Then Bruce Wayne came into the picture, overall the beginning was some what slow. Then one by one the cast of Inception came onto the scene. If u haven't seen the exceptional acting by Joseph Gordon Levitt, Marion Cottiard, and Tom Hardy in Inception, well you are in luck because they do it again! As Chris Nolan always does it, he made another mindfuck flick. The movie progressively gets better as it goes on and by the end it is absolute greatness! By the end you will be telling yourself "this is the greatest movie ever!!!" I highly suggest watching it in IMAX because that is a whole experience of its own. Also expect a sequel of a certain side-kick in the possible future. For a movie made on a budget of $250 million, an earnings of $899,761,725 world wide it made a nice comfortable profit. I could say the only complaints I had was the choice of Batman-I never was a fan of Christian Bale playing the caped crusader from the start-but his Batman voice is always raspy and also very unnecessary. Also it's pretty hard to understand Tom Hardy AKA Bane because of his mask but the way he talks is very villianesque. GO WATCH THIS ALL MOVIE GOERS!!!!! IT'S A MUST :D
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Magic Mike was Truly Magical
oh man what can I say about Magic Mike?!?! It was truly a great experience. Words cannot describe the spectacular we witnessed before us. So many hot guys... half naked... dancing up on what I believe are the luckiest extras in the world!!! The plot however was a major fail but who cares about a plot when Channing Tatum, Matt Bomer, Adam Rodriguez, Joe Manganiello and the always shirtless Matthew McConaughey are stripping right in front of your eyes. Alex Pettyfer was alright in my opinion, his body wasn't as great as the others and his wild behavior took away from me watching what I went to the movies for in the first place... STRIPPERS! Cody Horn seemed like she was inspired by Blake Lively because she had the exact same expression on her face for the whole two hours -__- My only concern about watching this movie was the fact that my friends and I were surrounded by middle aged women o_O Other than that, I would give this movie the highest rating ever, even if I have to make one up. Its a must watch for all women out there :)
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Saturday's Double Feature!
For the first time in six months I finally decided to end my Bollywood movie hiatus and take that leap with Cocktail. After endless disappoints with Indian movies, this film wasn't all that bad. I knew within the first 45 minutes what the entire movie would consist of but all Bollywood flicks are pretty predictable. Although I'm more of an Aamir Khan fan, Saif Ali Khan did a decent job being a comedian before the interval, I think Kareena Kapoor would be proud of her beau. Deepika Padukone I think did a great job portraying a "live in the moment, party hard" type girl! Plus she's from the same place where most of my family live in India and speaks the same language as my family so obviously I wouldn't have anything bad to say about her. Newcomer Diana Penty was alright in my book, she was kind of annoying after the interval when the "I love you but please forget about me" story line went on for about the last hour. WHY CAN'T FILM MAKERS JUST STOP THE UNNECESSARY RUBBERBAND STRETCH?!?!?! Just end the movie already... pleaseeee!!!! In my opinion if they had spent less time showing how to resist the love and spent more time embracing it the movie would be a lot more better, but unfortunately they didn't do that so I give the movie a 3 out 5. The songs were good except for a few they just DID NOT need to have. I'd recommend this movie for it's external shots of London and Cape Town but for actual plot it was pretty mediocre.
Onto my next Indian flick, Kahaani. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING FILM!!!! Of all the Bollywood movies I've seen throughout my life I can honestly say that my top three are 3 Deewarein, Aankhen and now Kahaani. I'm not a huge fan of random breaks of song and dance, it ruins the seriousness of the movie, but this film had none which I really appreciated. I was on the edge of my seat from beginning to end and Vidya Balan is a phenomenal actress. The movie really only consisted of her being the only "famous" actor but that didn't take away from the film. There are not many Indian movies like this one so definitely watch it and pay attention throughout because events that take place in the beginning are important till the very end. For a movie made on a very tight budget, it did well for itself in box offices and I'm not surprised because the plot was so unique. And for once the setting did not take place in Mumbai or out of the country, the director finally took advantage of his own country and gave the audience a taste of Kolkata. I'd give this movie a 6 out of 5 rating and that's rare coming from me for an Indian movie. Expect remakes in different languages and a sequel in the future :)
Onto my next Indian flick, Kahaani. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING FILM!!!! Of all the Bollywood movies I've seen throughout my life I can honestly say that my top three are 3 Deewarein, Aankhen and now Kahaani. I'm not a huge fan of random breaks of song and dance, it ruins the seriousness of the movie, but this film had none which I really appreciated. I was on the edge of my seat from beginning to end and Vidya Balan is a phenomenal actress. The movie really only consisted of her being the only "famous" actor but that didn't take away from the film. There are not many Indian movies like this one so definitely watch it and pay attention throughout because events that take place in the beginning are important till the very end. For a movie made on a very tight budget, it did well for itself in box offices and I'm not surprised because the plot was so unique. And for once the setting did not take place in Mumbai or out of the country, the director finally took advantage of his own country and gave the audience a taste of Kolkata. I'd give this movie a 6 out of 5 rating and that's rare coming from me for an Indian movie. Expect remakes in different languages and a sequel in the future :)
Friday, July 13, 2012
Trip Down Olympic Lane
LONDON!!!! |
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Michael Phelps's home away from home; Water Cube! |
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The one and only Birds Nest! |
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Savages Indeed
Ah Savages... hot men, hot women... it has to be a good movie!!! It wasn't that bad but it wasn't that great either, the start up was very slow and the action only consisted in the last half of the movie. My major concern was Blake Lively. I'm familiar with her work--Gossip Girl, The Town, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants-- well I had already known this... but now all of you shall know that she cannot act. Has anyone noticed that she has a very monotone voice and she always keeps her mouth open o.O Either close your mouth when you're not talking or just go back to acting school and actually learn something this time around. The plot was a let down too, when I heard that this movie was about the drug cartel, drugs such as cocaine, meth, heroin all popped up in my head but spoiler alert... the movie was about marijuana -__- that's not a real drug come on now! On a positive note, Salma Hayek shocked me with her performance! It's no Oscar winner but I didn't know she could act in this role, she always seemed like a comedian that nobody could understand, kind of like Sofia Vergara, so two thumbs up for that! If anyone likes male nudity like one of my friends, then the first 15 minutes are for you so I highly suggest that you don't watch this movie with parentals. If anyone dislikes abuse, torture, and torment like my other friend whose eyes were closed for about 50% of this film, then this movie isn't for you. I'd give this movie a 2 out 5 for the overall movie but I'd give it a 4 out of 5 just for the famous cast and director. Watch at your own risk!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
It Wasn't the Rock of Our Ages
Rock of Ages has been in theaters for quite some time now but I thought I'd share my input on it! The music wasn't from the 90's generation which might bore some people I know but I enjoyed the song selection thoroughly!! The singing however by one Julianne Hough was the problem for me... last I remember she was notorious for country music, so when in the world did she decide to take on rock??? I don't see Carrie Underwood or Taylor Swift belting out Journey in film... so the whole world can see what you are NOT made of -________- you sounded like a chipmunk dear. Ill end that there since I have a deep fascination for Ryan Seacrest. The male lead Diego Boneta was hot AND had a good voice so I approve of him :p Russell Brand can do no wrong in my eyes so yeah he was amazing!!! The rest of the cast I had no complaints about, Alec Baldwin, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Bryan Cranston all did great; I just feel bad for Tom Cruise because this movie may have been the source of his upcoming divorce, poor guy never saw it coming he was so busy in song and dance. So movie goers who still haven't seen the film, I wouldn't recommend it as a first choice but if you do so happen to watch it, watch out for the woodland rodent singing about... you might want some earplugs just during her performances because the rest did a great job.
The Not So Amazing Spider-Bad?!
I went into The Amazing Spider-Man with high hopes having seen the box office success and recommendations of the film but boy oh boy was it far from good... Where do I even begin!? Lets start off with the fact that the trailer has a deleted scene in it so right off the bat the movie is falsely advertised -___- Next comes the huge shocker that Emma Stone's characters name is Gwen Stacy... WHAT?! That is like changing Peter Parker's name to Bob Hope, NOOOO it has always been Mary Jane and Mary Jane is what it should ALWAYS be!!!! Lets move onto the point of the movie after Peter has been bitten by the spider which came after the first grueling hour. It only takes a few hints for smart people to realize that sticking to stuff and breaking stuff so easily only means one thing.... you're not human anymore, there is no need to spend 30 minutes showing the same thing over and over again to get your point across, plus the continuity mistakes were relentless, at one point Peter was sticking to everything possible and then the next scene he isn't sticking to Dr. Curt Conner's book... hmmmm flawed much? The movie was so ridiculous that my mind wandered throughout the movie, and I don't have an attention disorder, yet it was in the theater that I decided that I was going to invest in a hamster, but that's besides the point :p. Lets turn our attention to Andrew Garfield's acting because that one is a doozy... When I found out about a year ago that the Social Network star would be portraying Spider-Man I knew it was a huge mistake because lets face it, you are not superhero material. I also didn't know Spider-Man was Rain Man's estranged offspring o.O what was with the turrets and stuttering bro?! AND THE ACCENT!!! WHAT WAS THAT!!! Most of my friends are from New York and not a single one of them has a New Yorker accent so why should you, when you were a young Peter Parker at the start of the film you had no accent so how did you acquire one suddenly and why doesn't Emma Stone, Dennis Leary, Martin Sheen, and Sally Fields have one? Please stick to funding Facebook Mr. Garfield. From beginning to end all I wanted was for the movie to end!!! American movie goers, no worldwide movie goers do NOT know what a good movie is because this is an absolute failure after watching three superb Spider-Man's with Tobey McGuire. On a lighter note his suit was shiny! That's the only compliment I can really think of, oh wait no it was also a pretty good cast minus Garfield, the famous cast almost... just almost hid the fact that this movie was shit. For future reference director Marc Webb, don't make another Spider-Man movie if you are not Sam Raimi and you can't book Tobey McGuire, it pains me to say Kirsten Dunst, and hottie tottie James Franco. Its safe to say that Spider-Man's era has come to an end now that the GOOD cast has moved on, it's about time film-makers do to, lets give other superheroes a chance to shine now. And that concludes the bashing of the Amazing Spider-Man. Not so amazing after all.
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